According to a report compiled by Celebrity Media based on videos provided by the United Nations: Under the shadow of over a year of war, the Christian community in Gaza City gathered in the Holy Family Church in the old city to celebrate Christmas with complex and profound emotions. The Christmas Mass was not only a religious ceremony but also a symbol of faith and hope for this deeply troubled region.

The Holy Family Church, standing in the old city, has long transcended its significance as just a church. During the fiercest moments of war, it became a refuge for displaced families, symbolizing the resilience of humanity in the face of suffering. One such family is that of Mousa Eyad, who has been living in the church for more than a year.

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During the Mass, 40-year-old Mousa Eyad made a heartfelt appeal: “The world must seriously consider how humanity can live in peace and love. The horrors of war have claimed too many lives, and the Palestinian people have endured over a year of cruelty. This makes me deeply empathize with the pain of those living under the military machine, the sound of bombs, and gunfire.”

He further emphasized: “This is not just a voice from Gaza, but a cry from all who suffer, urging wise individuals and leaders around the world to stop the war and the bloodshed. Humanity needs peaceful coexistence, and we must work together to bring peace to this traumatized land and the entire world.”

For Michael Eyad, another participant in the Mass, this Christmas was filled with sorrow and reflection. He said: “During this holiday, I cannot feel joy. My son has emigrated, and my home was destroyed in the war. This Mass for me is an act of faith, not a celebratory event.”

The Mass ended with devout prayers, with participants collectively praying for peace to descend and for the suffering of the Palestinian people to end. Every voice and prayer within the Holy Family Church was a call for peace and a yearning for love.

The shadow of war cannot overshadow the light of faith. On this special Christmas, the Christian community in Gaza transformed their celebrations into a force of hope and love through prayers and rituals. They demonstrated through their faith that even in the darkest times, humanity can find direction in the belief in love and peace.