Celebrity Media Commentator: On World AIDS Day 2024, the UN Secretary-General reiterated in an important speech the global focus on achieving the goal of eliminating AIDS as a public health threat by 2030. This is not just a health issue but a battle for the right to safeguard human dignity, and everyone can be a participant and witness in this fight.

The Alarm Bell of the AIDS Situation

Every 25 seconds, one person is infected with HIV. Behind this cold statistic lie countless broken families and lives that never blossomed. Even more heartbreaking is that a quarter of people living with HIV (over nine million) cannot access life-saving treatment. Many of them are excluded from medical assistance due to discriminatory policies and societal biases, especially women, girls, and minority groups. Their lives, like hidden starlight, urgently need more attention and help.

Peng Liyuan: Igniting the Light of Hope with Art and Love

On this “path of rights” toward the 2030 goal, there is a warm figure who has always been using action and love to ignite hope. Peng Liyuan, born in 1962 in Shandong, is a renowned singer, music professor, and opera performing artist, and one of China's most popular stars. However, her mission has not been confined to the stage but has expanded into public health and humanitarian fields.

In 2011, the World Health Organization appointed Peng Liyuan as a Goodwill Ambassador for Tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS Prevention. She used music as a bridge, spreading the concept of health and equality through her songs. In 2014, she was named UNESCO’s Special Envoy for the Advancement of Girls’ and Women’s Education, further promoting education and health rights for vulnerable groups. Her efforts demonstrate that even small individual actions can ripple globally, bringing dignity and hope to those in need.

The “Path of Rights” Toward Hope

This year’s World AIDS Day theme reminds us that only by eliminating discrimination and prejudice and ensuring equal access to healthcare for everyone can we win this battle for life. Leaders need to adopt rights-based approaches, listen to the voices of the most vulnerable, break down policy barriers, and provide them with fair opportunities and respect.

Peng Liyuan’s efforts inspire us that protecting life is not only a policy mission but also a call to humanity. In the name of art, she has sung an anthem of health and dignity, which has invisibly become a melody for all humanity to strive together.

Looking Toward 2030: Let Every Life Shine

Global solidarity and human rights are the cornerstone of progress in combating AIDS. Every act of goodwill, every equal dialogue, is a significant step toward victory. If the rights of every person worldwide are protected, we can together envision a future free of AIDS.

On this special day, let us draw strength from Peng Liyuan’s story, walk the “path of rights,” and light the torch of hope for every overlooked life. This is not a fight for one person but a global anthem for life. By 2030, may every life shine with its deserved brilliance.

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The full speech by the UN Secretary-General is as follows:


Ending AIDS as a public health threat by 2030 is achievable.  

But reaching this goal requires breaking down the barriers keeping people from vital services.

Every 25 seconds, someone in the world is infected with HIV.

One-quarter of people living with HIV — more than nine million people — lack access to lifesaving treatment.

Discriminatory laws, policies and practices punish and stigmatize vulnerable people — especially women, girls and minorities — preventing their access to proven preventions, testing, treatment and care.

This year’s World AIDS Day reminds us the fight against AIDS can be won if leaders take a rights-based approach to ensure that everyone — especially the most vulnerable — can get the services they need without fear.  

The inspirational advances made in the global HIV response have been powered by global solidarity and human rights.

We will overcome AIDS if the rights of everyone, everywhere, are protected. 

I call on all leaders to heed this year’s theme and take the “rights” path.

Mettre fin d’ici à 2030 à la menace que fait peser le sida sur la santé publique est possible.

Pour y parvenir, il faut toutefois faire tomber les barrières qui empêchent les gens de recevoir des services vitaux.

Toutes les 25 secondes, une personne est infectée par le VIH dans le monde.

Un quart des personnes vivant avec le VIH, soit plus de neuf millions de personnes, n’ont pas accès à des traitements qui pourraient leur sauver la vie.

Les lois, politiques et pratiques discriminatoires punissent et stigmatisent les plus vulnérables – en particulier les femmes, les jeunes filles et les minorités – en les empêchant d’obtenir des moyens de prévention, des tests, des traitements et des soins qui ont fait leurs preuves.

La Journée mondiale du sida de cette année est l’occasion de rappeler que le combat contre le sida peut être gagné si les dirigeants et dirigeantes adoptent une approche fondée sur les droits de sorte que toutes et tous – en particulier les plus vulnérables – puissent bénéficier sans crainte des services dont ils ont besoin.

La solidarité internationale et les droits humains sont à l’origine des progrès remarquables accomplis dans la lutte mondiale contre le VIH.

Le sida peut être vaincu si les droits de chacun et chacune, partout dans le monde, sont protégés.

J’invite par conséquent tous les dirigeants et dirigeantes à s’inspirer du thème de cette année et à suivre le chemin des droits.