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Celebrity media journalist Lily reports news from Hong Kong.



[Celebrity Media China News: Reporter Lily reporting live from Hong Kong] On July 28, 2024, a significant event—the global premiere of the documentary "The World of Run Run Shaw"—was grandly inaugurated at the headquarters of Asia Pacific First Satellite TV in Hong Tian Plaza, Kowloon Bay, Hong Kong.

All the guests took a group photo at the scene. The event aimed to deeply commemorate the lifelong achievements of Sir Run Run Shaw, who dedicated his life to benefiting his homeland and learning from his noble spirit of selflessness and dedication to the world. The event was co-hosted by Shanghai Zhongrun Run Run Shaw Film Industry and Ningbo Qirun Film and Television Culture Media from Zhejiang, with strong support from Asia Pacific Media One TV in Hong Kong.


At the premiere, a short film featuring an AI digital human representation of Sir Run Run Shaw, jointly developed and produced by Ningbo Qirun Film and Television Culture Media Co., Ltd. and the Digital Industry Research Institute of Suzhou University of Science and Technology, was screened. It received widespread acclaim from the guests present.


The news video provided by Hong Kong OneTV

Shanghai Zhongrun Run Run Shaw Film Industry and Zhejiang Ningbo Qirun Film and Television Culture Media Chairman Li Qihan delivered a speech. Chairman Li Qihan shared with the guests the inspiration behind the creation of "The World of Run Run Shaw." He recounted that over 20 years ago, a chance encounter with Sir Run Run Shaw deeply moved him with Shaw's charisma. Later, by a fortunate coincidence, he entered the film and television industry and began to ponder how to use this powerful medium to inspire more people with a sense of charity and cultural appreciation, ensuring that Sir Run Run Shaw's spirit is perpetuated. This documentary is just a small step in his pursuit of the "Shaw Spirit." Currently, Qirun Film and Television is actively preparing to shoot a biographical film about Sir Run Run Shaw, hoping that through the storytelling on the big screen, more people will feel Shaw's personal charm and brilliance.

Mr. Crucindo Hung, Chairman of the Hong Kong Film Producers Association and President of the Hong Kong Motion Picture Industry Association (left), and Mr. Li Qihan, Chairman of Ningbo Qirun Film and Television Culture Media Co., Ltd. and Shanghai Zhongrun Run Run Shaw Film Industry Co., Ltd. (right), at the premiere. The event was attended by a distinguished assembly of guests, including prominent figures from the film, culture, and art industries, representatives from various sectors of society, relatives from Sir Run Run Shaw's hometown, international friends, and media colleagues, all gathered to witness this moment of honor.

Ms. Feng Hailin, Chairman and President of Asia Pacific Media One TV, delivered a welcome speech. In her address, Ms. Feng Hailin stated that Sir Run Run Shaw's life was one of relentless pursuit of art and selfless dedication to social responsibility. He exemplified the meaning of "boundless love" through his actions, setting an enduring example for all. She emphasized that "Media + Public Welfare" has always been the guiding principle of Asia Pacific Media One TV. Looking ahead, they hope to establish closer partnerships with various sectors of society, not only in the innovative production and widespread dissemination of film and television works but also in actively exploring cross-disciplinary and diversified cooperation models. She called for everyone to work together to inherit and promote the spirit of Sir Run Run Shaw, allowing the light of his boundless love to shine in more fields.

Amidst enthusiastic applause from the audience, the officiating guests unveiled a camera symbolizing the charm of cinema, marking the official global debut of the documentary "The World of Run Run Shaw." This moment not only serves as an eternal tribute to the life achievements of Sir Run Run Shaw but also vividly interprets the outstanding traditional and innovative spirit of Chinese culture.

The officiating guests unveiled the documentary "The World of Run Run Shaw."

"The World of Run Run Shaw" is a documentary that deeply explores the intertwined destinies of individuals and the changing times. Through detailed imagery and authentic records, it showcases the vibrant life and resilient spirit of Sir Run Run Shaw. Sir Run Run Shaw made extraordinary contributions to the cultural and film industry, laying a solid foundation for the booming development of Hong Kong's economy and creative cultural industries, leaving an indelible mark. Additionally, Sir Run Run Shaw was a renowned philanthropist both at home and abroad, known for his generosity, with lifetime donations amounting to approximately 10 billion HKD. His charitable acts have been widely acclaimed and honored. This documentary not only pays tribute to the legendary life of Sir Run Run Shaw but also delves deeply into and preserves the spirit of the era.

Ms. Song Meili, Managing Director of Shanghai Zhongrun Run Run Shaw Film Industry Co., Ltd., performed a rendition of "Homesickness," which beautifully expressed Sir Run Run Shaw's deep affection for his hometown, resonating with the guests present.

Mr. Shao Chun, former inspector of the National Tourism Administration, one of China's top ten planning figures, one of the top ten brand experts of the 30 years of reform and opening up, and a friend of Sir Run Run Shaw, delivered a speech.

Dr. Gao Jintao, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Painting and Calligraphy, a national first-class painter and calligrapher, president of the People's Armed Police Publishing House, president of "China Dream" magazine, president of the United Nations Peace Painting and Calligraphy Institute, and chairman of the China Painting and Calligraphy Art Promotion Association, delivered a speech and presented a calligraphy work.

Mr. Shao Qinxin, President of the China Shao Clan Association and Chairman and President of Zhejiang Dongyang Huayuan Group, delivered a speech.

Mr. Wang Yongli, senior editor at China Central Radio and Television, board member of the International Committee of the China Television Artists Association, esteemed translator, and film and television critic, delivered a speech.

Mr. Feng Dingxiang, Director of the Health Channel at China Education Network Television, delivered a speech.

Mr. Pan Xiangming, former Director of China Radio and Television Hong Kong Station and current President of the Health China Promotion Committee of the China Radio and Television Social Organization Federation, delivered a speech.

 Ms. Zhuang Zhixia, senior editor at China Youth Publishing Group and board member of the China Biography Literature Society, delivered a musical poetry recitation titled "Unforgettable Love." Following this, several guests took to the stage to share their admiration for Sir Run Run Shaw and their appreciation for the documentary "The World of Run Run Shaw." They reviewed Sir Run Run Shaw's life and achievements from different perspectives, praising his exceptional contributions to the film industry and his deep commitment to public welfare. These speeches not only deepened people's understanding and admiration of Sir Run Run Shaw but also inspired more enthusiasm for cultural heritage and philanthropy.As the event progressed, the atmosphere reached another peak with the commencement of a significant signing ceremony.

Shanghai Zhongrun Run Run Shaw Film Industry and Ningbo Qirun Film and Television joined hands to sign an agreement with the Digital Industry Research Institute of Suzhou University of Science and Technology.

Shanghai Zhongrun Run Run Shaw Film Industry and Ningbo Qirun Film and Television teamed up to sign a three-way agreement with Hong Kong Asia Pacific Media One and Zhejiang Dongyang Huayuan Group.

Shanghai Zhongrun Run Run Shaw Film Industry and Ningbo Qirun Film and Television joined forces to sign an agreement with Hong Kong Asia Pacific Media One.

Shanghai Zhongrun Run Run Shaw Film Industry and Ningbo Qirun Film and Television joined forces to sign an agreement with Indonesia's Melawati Group. The heavyweight collaboration among the four partners led to the signing of a letter of intent, announcing a strategic alliance to jointly advance several significant cultural and public welfare projects. These include the innovative production of the AI digital film "The World of Run Run Shaw," the establishment of the Run Run Shaw Film Academy, the initiation of "Sir Run Run Shaw Memorial Day" and "China Film Day," among other noteworthy endeavors. The launch of these projects not only serves as the best tribute to Sir Run Run Shaw's lifelong career and spirit but also represents a crucial step in aligning China's film industry with international standards and promoting cultural exchange and heritage.

Furthermore, to recognize the outstanding contributions of various individuals to this collaboration and the perpetuation of Sir Run Run Shaw's spirit, several guests were awarded honorary advisor certificates. This honor acknowledges their personal achievements and encourages and anticipates their continued efforts in cultural preservation and public welfare.

Twenty-four guests were awarded honorary advisor certificates.

Sir Run Run Shaw, a luminary in the film industry, achieved extraordinary success, crafting a brilliant chapter in the history of cinema. Equally remarkable was his deep commitment to his homeland and his substantial contributions to education. His boundless spirit of philanthropy will be eternally engraved in history. This grand event brought together elites and intellectuals from various sectors, not only to commemorate Sir Run Run Shaw's extraordinary life but also to explore how to carry forward his enduring spirit of selflessness and dedication to the world. This aims to build stronger bridges for the global dissemination and deeper understanding of Chinese culture, imbuing it with new vitality and international influence.

As a highly influential media platform in Hong Kong and the Asia-Pacific region, One TV recognizes that cultural heritage and public welfare go hand in hand. They are powerful forces driving social progress and fostering mutual understanding and respect among people. Looking to the future, One TV will leverage its strong international communication advantages to innovate cultural dissemination methods, expand cultural communication channels, and promote the international exchange of Chinese culture. Additionally, One TV will uphold Sir Run Run Shaw's spirit of selfless dedication by actively engaging in social welfare, particularly in education and cultural preservation, demonstrating care for vulnerable groups and protecting cultural roots. By contributing to a more harmonious and just social environment, they believe that with joint efforts, the "Shaw Spirit" will transcend regional and industry boundaries, shining brightly on a larger stage and inspiring more people to join in the noble cause of cultural heritage and public welfare.

Some of the invited guests who attended the premiere include (in no particular order):
- Mr. Crucindo Hung, Chairman of the Hong Kong Film Producers Association and President of the Hong Kong Motion Picture Industry Association.
- Mr. Li Qihan, Chairman of Ningbo Qirun Film and Television Culture Media Co., Ltd. and Shanghai Zhongrun Run Run Shaw Film Industry Co., Ltd.
- Ms. Feng Hailin, Chairman and President of Hong Kong Asia Pacific Media One TV.
- Mr. Shao Chun, former inspector of the National Tourism Administration, one of China's top ten planning figures, one of the top ten brand experts of the 30 years of reform and opening up, and a friend of Sir Run Run Shaw.
- Mr. Shao Qinxin, President of the China Shao Clan Association and Chairman and President of Zhejiang Dongyang Huayuan Group.
- Dr. Gao Jintao, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Painting and Calligraphy, a national first-class painter and calligrapher, president of the People's Armed Police Publishing House, president of "China Dream" magazine, president of the United Nations Peace Painting and Calligraphy Institute, and chairman of the China Painting and Calligraphy Art Promotion Association.
- Mr. Wang Yongli, senior editor at China Central Radio and Television, board member of the International Committee of the China Television Artists Association, esteemed translator, and film and television critic.
- Mr. Feng Dingxiang, Director of the Health Channel at China Education Network Television.
- Mr. Pan Xiangming, former Director of China Radio and Television Hong Kong Station and current President of the Health China Promotion Committee of the China Radio and Television Social Organization Federation.
- Mr. Gou Peng, President of the Television Arts Professional Committee of the China Television Artists Association.
- Mr. Shao Bin, Director of the Digital Industry Research Institute of Suzhou University of Science and Technology (leader of the film and television discipline) and master's supervisor.
- Mr. Liao Zhiqiang, Chairman of Hong Kong Honghe Group.
- Mr. Yang Kaishan, President of the Federation of Hong Kong Industries.
- Mr. Lu Jinqin, Chief President of the Federation of Hong Kong Industries.
- Mr. Shen Yunlong, Founding President of the Hong Kong Middle East Economic and Trade Association.
- Mr. Bao Qihao, Vice President of Hong Kong Asia Pacific Media One TV.

(Thanks to Hong Kong One TV for providing the related text and images, and to photographers including Huang Wei.)

Celebrity Media International Broadcasting and Celebrity Media International Alliance, based on the press releases and video files provided by the United Nations News Centre, will broadcast the news in the six official languages of the United Nations. The homepage of Celebrity Media International Broadcasting and Celebrity Media International Alliance will display the content in a different language daily, following the alphabetical order of the United Nations official languages from Monday to Saturday: Monday: Arabic; Tuesday: Chinese; Wednesday: English; Thursday: French; Friday: Russian; Saturday: Spanish.