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Celebrity Media: Yesterday (January 2, 2025), the flag-raising ceremony for the newly elected non-permanent members of the United Nations Security Council was held at the UN headquarters. This report is based on the video provided by the UN News Center.

Flag-raising ceremony for the newly elected non-permanent members of the United Nations Security Council

 Ambassador Kairat Umarov, Permanent Representative of Kazakhstan and ceremony host, delivers a welcome speech.

Speech: Ambassador Kairat Umarov

Good afternoon! Happy New Year!
It is a great honor to host this solemn flag-raising ceremony. Reflecting back to January 2018, when Kazakhstan chaired the Security Council, I first initiated and hosted this ceremony as Kazakhstan’s Permanent Representative. Before that, it was merely a technical operation. Kazakhstan transformed it into a highly respected ceremony to welcome new members joining the Security Council.

This ceremony has now become an annual tradition. I sincerely thank all past Security Council presidents for organizing this event during their terms. Now, as I am reappointed as Kazakhstan’s Permanent Representative, I am delighted to continue hosting this solemn ceremony. I also want to thank my colleague, Ambassador Amar Benjamaa of Algeria, the current Security Council president for January, for his close collaboration.

On the first working day of the new year, I extend a warm welcome to the newly elected Security Council members from Denmark, Greece, Pakistan, Panama, and Somalia. The expertise and experience of these countries will greatly enhance the Council's work in promoting international peace and security.

We recognize that unity and cooperation between permanent and non-permanent members are key to addressing global challenges. As we step into 2025, let us continue to strive together to build a safer, fairer, and more prosperous world. Thank you!

Speech: Ambassador Amar Benjamaa

Thank you all! Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, Happy New Year!
Today, as the president of the United Nations Security Council for January, Algeria is honored to speak here.

I wish to thank the outgoing non-permanent members—Ecuador, Japan, Malta, Mozambique, and Switzerland—for their outstanding contributions over the past two years. At the same time, I warmly welcome the newly elected non-permanent members—Denmark, Greece, Pakistan, Panama, and Somalia.

Serving as a non-permanent member of the Security Council is both an honor and a responsibility. It represents the trust of United Nations member states. Faced with major challenges to international peace and security, we have a duty to work tirelessly to promote multilateralism and peace. I wish all colleagues a successful term! Thank you.

Speech: Assistant Secretary-General Mohamed Khaled Khiari

Good afternoon, Happy New Year!
Excellencies, thank you for allowing me the opportunity to participate in this important flag-raising ceremony.

I would like to once again congratulate the newly elected Security Council members on formally taking office. In the face of numerous global challenges to peace and security, the increasing number of elected members plays a crucial role in the Council’s methods, discussions, and decision-making. The Secretariat will continue to provide full support to member states over the next two years. Congratulations once again, and best wishes!

Speeches by Representatives of Member States

Representative of Denmark

Good afternoon, Happy New Year!
Denmark is deeply honored to raise our flag as a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council. This is Denmark's fifth term on the Council, and we embrace this role with humility and dedication. We reaffirm our commitment to the United Nations Charter and our dedication to advancing peace, security, and human dignity. Let us fulfill this responsibility together to realize the promise of this institution. Thank you!

Representative of Greece

Excellencies, colleagues, friends, Happy New Year!
Greece is honored to join the Security Council and represent our nation at this critical moment in international affairs. Greece has always been a steadfast supporter of peace and the principles of the United Nations Charter. We pledge to make meaningful contributions to the Council’s work. Thank you!

Representative of Pakistan

It is an honor for Pakistan to begin its eighth term as a non-permanent member of the Security Council. In times of global crises, we commit to promoting peace and security while addressing the root causes of conflicts. We will always uphold the principles of the UN Charter and international law. Thank you!

Representative of Panama

Panama is proud to take a seat on the Security Council, marking a significant chapter in our history. As a founding member of the United Nations, we reaffirm our commitment to multilateralism and dialogue. Our flag symbolizes our sovereignty and unity. Panama is ready to be a constructive partner for global peace. Thank you!

Representative of Somalia

With deep gratitude, Somalia joins the Security Council for the second time as a non-permanent member. We are steadfast in our commitment to advancing peace and security while supporting the sovereignty and territorial integrity of all member states. Somalia will closely collaborate with all Council members to build a better world together. Thank you!

Flag-Raising Ceremony

The ceremony concluded with the flags of Denmark, Greece, Pakistan, Panama, and Somalia being raised, followed by a group photo of all representatives.

Closing Remarks

As this significant ceremony comes to an end, we extend our gratitude to all attendees for their participation and contributions. This meeting is now adjourned. Thank you!
